Saturday, June 30, 2012

Digital Rainbows,Elliptical RainBows, Spiral Rainbows,Cyber Rainbows - Angelic Apocalypse #12

Digital Rainbows,Elliptical RainBows, Spiral Rainbows,Cyber Rainbows - Angelic Apocalypse #12

Digital Rainbows,Elliptical RainBows, Spiral Rainbows,Cyber Rainbows







A_9-12-2009_18 - Copy


A_9-12-2009_19 - Copy - Copy
















Christmas Star

Cyber Rainbow

Feathered Suns

Free Short Poems online.  Free Gallery online

 Law of Attraction

Angel in Rags

Burning Angels

DoomCember 2012

Dumb Cember 2012?

Done Cinder 2012?






Flower Poetry:

Poppy Poetry


Red Hibiscus




General Subject Poetry:

Nonsense Poetry

Sleeping Rust

Pizza Squirrel

Trashy Poetry

Texas Toast

Killing the Kitchen God

Beautiful Enemy

Angel Fire

Dictionary of Dreams

Queue the Sunset

Dusk Like a Dying Mirror

Copper Moon

Gift Wrapped Garbage




9th Gate of the 11th Heaven

Seeing 11s in 2011






The Gift of Doomsday: Gift Shop At the End of the World. Doomsday For Sale.

Doomsday Sale:  Everything Must Go!


Doomsday Gift Shop





DoomCember T-Shirts from the Gift Shop At the End of the World

Gift Shop At the End of the World

It's our end of the world sale.  Everything must go!

The last hoodie you'll every need

Deadman's sweat shirt--but only if it's the end of the world

My other girlfriend is a Zombie T-shirt

What did Dr Smith say:  We are all Doomed!




Shop like there is no tomorrow at the  Armageddon Gift Shop on the Apocalypse level of the mall.





DoomCember or DoomCinder 2012






DoomCember 2012

Dumb Cember 2012?

Done Cinder 2012?




Doomsday For Dummies 2012

How to Prepare for Doomsday

How to Be a Doomsday Prepper

How to Apologize for Doomsday

 How to Calculate Doomsday

How to Observe that Feb 29th Leap Day is Doomsday

How to Celebrate 2012 Doomsday Leap Year

How to Experience NerdPocalypse

How to Wear Your Invisible Mystic Mayan Power Cloak

How to Have Quiet DoomsDay and a Silent Apocalypse











I'm Sorry, I thought it was Doomsday

Feb 29th, Leap Day, is Doomsday

Happy Doomsday!

 Doomsday Preppers

Doomsday Lemming Lovers Embrace Their Fate












 How to Calculate Doomsday

Doomsday: Panic Now and Avoid the Rush

2012 Doomsdays, Prophesies and Predictions

Invisible Mystic Mayan Power Cloak

 Happy Doomsday Leap Year 2012











 On Feb 29th Will You be my Doomsday Valentine or my Leap Valentine?

Leap Day is Doomsday

Leap Year Doomsday 2012

2012 Doomsday Apocalypse Predictions

Doomsday and Sadie Hawkins

How Is the End Of the World Working Out For You?




21 Doomsday 2012

12  12  12






12 Tweleve 12



12 December 2012


9th Gate of the 11th Heaven











Doomsday For Sale






21 December 2012

12 12 12

Twelve Twelve Twelve

11 11 11




Angel Sightings


LuLu Angel Sightings

Amazon Angel Sightings

iTunes Angel Sightings


Angelic Doomsday Intervention


Easter Angels

9 11s

11th Heaven

Angel Art Archive




Demon Lovers and Dark Angels

Zombies and Angels

End of the World

Quiet Apocalypse



111111 11/11/11 11-11-11 

11 Forgotten Laws

How to Prepare for the End of the World

Angel Art Archive

The End Is Near, Again






Angelic Doomsday Intervention

Super Moon Madness

God is Busy

How Will You Spend Your Last Day on Earth?





How is the End Of the World Working Out for you?


11.11.11 and the Angelic Armageddon Apocalypse


Exporting China


11 Angels 11





LuLu Angel Sightings

Amazon Angel Sightings

iTunes Angel Sightings











The Very Last Gift Shop You will Ever Need



LuLu Angel Sightings

Amazon Angel Sightings

iTunes Angel Sightings



How get a job in 30 days

$50,000 per year

Earning $25 per hour

How to get a job in 30 Days







How is the End Of the World Working Out for you?


How to Prepare for the End of the World


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pycnogenol and Asthma

Peer reviewed government studies by the NIH have consistently shown that Pycnogenol  has beneficial effects for patients who have Asthma.

Managment of Asthma


Improvements in Asthma






Tuesday, June 26, 2012

50% Off Women's Plus Sized Swimwear

Obama Care = The Case for Killing Granny?

Obama Care = The Case for Killing Granny?

Obama Care = The Case for Killing Granny?

Christmas in July

Happy Doomed XMAS


There are those who think we will not make it until Christmas this year.  They think Doomsday will happen 4 days before.

I guess we will have to see....






Happy Doomed XMAS





ORAC, Alternative Medicine and Nutritional Therapies

Oxygen radical absorbance capacity speaks to the ability of the food you eat to act as an anti-oxidant.  In this regard, it's hard to do better than berries.   But it sometimes seems that you can eat the right food until your hands turn purple and still not hit all the food groups, at the government minimum requirement,  in the recommended portions.  So if you are concerned that your diet is missing something:  Supplments to the rescue!!!


It's a berry bonanza!  Even chokeberries and elderberries.  When is the last time you ate some of them?


Taking care of aging eyes.  As we age our nutritional needs channge.  Do you think you are getting lutein, bilberry, and quercetin in your diet?  If not, a supplement might boost your levels of the substances that scientists are finding can help maintain healthy eyes.


Skin elasticity.  Skin and joints loose the flexibility and elasticity we had in our youth.  Research is showing that some people are having an easier time maintaining an active lifestyle with the proper supplements.  Beauty Blend



Sunday, June 24, 2012

Godfather of Global Warming Denounces Green Drivel

Godfather of Global Warming Denounces Green Drivel

Selling Death

There have been a number of vaguely suspicious deaths of celebrities and well known people in the news. In some cases the significant other of the famous or notorious person seemed be quite happy to sit and watch their lover die.

If you love someone don't you dive into the pool to save them, even if you can't swim. One hears stories about a parent diving in after their children only to die themselves. In some cases it appears that the wife or girlfriend was just enjoying the show and seemed to feel little or no emotional attachment to their dying significant other.

Given that we are talking about the passing of someone famous or notorious there are a number of things that come to mind.

In a couple of the notable cases that I am thinking of some of the dearly departed where known to be obnoxious. In other cases, they were known to be substance abusers. Perhaps the lover got tired of that act and gave fate a little push?

Or perhaps it more like this: There are lazy but patient gold diggers in this world. They are willing to take the disappointment of living with a famous loser for a year or two, knowing that since the dude is an obnoxious, drug abuser, the lover will be there at that fateful moment when the obnoxious loser has gone and done it. If you are living with him and he really is a big loser, that fateful moment will come many times. You take the most photogenic one, or the scariest one, or the one that you think photos of it will fetch you most money from the paparazzi and you let your lover die as you watch and take pictures. And if you are lucky, no one, not even the police ask how did the last and most embarrassing moment of that A-hole's life get on Ebay or in some tabloid?

Near Miss





 Doomsday Gift Shop

Shop like there is no tomorrow at the  Armageddon Gift Shop on the Apocalypse level of the mall.

DoomCember 2012

Dumb Cember 2012?

Done Cinder 2012?


Doomsday For Dummies 2012

How to Prepare for Doomsday

How to Be a Doomsday Prepper

How to Apologize for Doomsday

 How to Calculate Doomsday

How to Celebrate 2012 Doomsday Leap Year

How to Experience NerdPocalypse

How to Wear Your Invisible Mystic Mayan Power Cloak

How to Have Quiet DoomsDay and a Silent Apocalypse



 I'm Sorry, I thought it was Doomsday



Doomsday For Sale



















Doom Art:  Inspirted By the End of the World







July 9th 2012 Doomsday and the FBI







The FBI and the 9 July 2012 Cyber Doomsday - InfoBarrel

The FBI and the 9 July 2012 Cyber Doomsday - InfoBarrel

The FBI and the 9 July 2012 Cyber Doomsday,DNSChanger,Domain Name Service,DNS,virus and malware and spyware

Saturday, June 23, 2012

20 ways to successfully follow a diet - by Michael Skinner - Helium

20 ways to successfully follow a diet - by Michael Skinner - Helium

July 9th Cyber Doom

If you wake up on 10 July 2012  with no internet, your computer may have been infected without your even knowing it and the FBI has decided to pull the plug on you.

July 9th 2012 Doomsday and the FBI





Doom in June


It's the dog days of doom. You get the feeling that everyone is just a little bored with the current end of the world. They are waiting for some new and more exciting catastrophe.

In the mean time, you should still fear the world ending super volcano that will blot out the sun with ash clouds and suffocate all life with poisonous gases.

In the wake of the coming economic collapse of Europe, some so called scientists have published a "theory" that we are once again at the tipping point and that there are way too may people and that we all need to become frozen communists who use no energy because they are dead--in order to save the earth.

And finally, the fact that the FBI is going to turn off the internet for thousands of infected computers on 9 July 2012 ushers in dire warnings of a cyber apocalypse that threatens to shut down the internet. The cyber disaster could come from many quarters. The first is that your brain will explode from too many people using the world "cyber". Cyber toilet paper. Cyber ketchup. Cyber cyber. Cyber Doom!!!

The second source of the coming cyber apocalypse will come when all the bot-nets, viruses and malware gangs up and destroys the entire internet.

The third source of the end of the cyber world will be a solar flare that wipes out electronic infrastructure. No power AND no computers.

The fourth and final blow comes from those loving and compassionate folks from the middle east who honestly believe that God will reward them for blowing up the earth as long as some unbelievers and infidels are killed in the process.





 Doomsday Gift Shop

Shop like there is no tomorrow at the  Armageddon Gift Shop on the Apocalypse level of the mall.

DoomCember 2012

Dumb Cember 2012?

Done Cinder 2012?


Doomsday For Dummies 2012

How to Prepare for Doomsday

How to Be a Doomsday Prepper

How to Apologize for Doomsday

 How to Calculate Doomsday

How to Celebrate 2012 Doomsday Leap Year

How to Experience NerdPocalypse

How to Wear Your Invisible Mystic Mayan Power Cloak

How to Have Quiet DoomsDay and a Silent Apocalypse



 I'm Sorry, I thought it was Doomsday



Doomsday For Sale



















Doom Art:  Inspirted By the End of the World


















July 9th 2012 Doomsday and the FBI

Friday, June 22, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

What Your Doctor Won't Tell You

Have you ever noticed that there are physicians out there who seem to specialize in prescribing expensive treatments for hidden maladies? And then prescribing even more pharmaceuticals for the side effects that the first drug caused?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Poultry in Motion and Another Hitler Joke

Let's face it gents, sometimes the ladies have it just about right. For instance, your run of the mill sports talk station is a waste of skin.

One day, under the guise of something called "Poultry in Motion", one of the local sports talk radio knuckleheads came up with a new wrinkle for the ever present "Hitler Joke."

In retrospect, that probably tells you everything you wanted to know about the Dallas Texas sports radio talk station called The Ticket. The running gag of one of their programs called "The Musers" is some kind of Hitler joke.

Okay, so the most recent attempt at using Adolph for humor came down to this.

How much money would it require for you to invariably adopt the heil Hitler salute in every photo taken of you from this moment forward?

One of the nimrods on this grab butt fest said a billion dollars.

It's not world peace but it's not the world in pieces either.

I wonder what the traffic lady on that other radio station has on her mind...

After that, surely Mike and Mike are back from commercials and I can occasionally hear remarks about a sporting contest again.

With any luck I will be at work and the morning jive will mercifully be over.



Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg - Angelic Apocalypse #12

Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg - Angelic Apocalypse #12

Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg,Lake Chaubunagungamaug,



Obama and Holder Conspire with Criminals

Obama and Holder Conspire with Criminals

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Secret Without Mumbo Jumbo

The 11 Forgotten Laws of Attraction are pretty much the Secret without magic.  The basic underlying principles are Karma and that you have to give to get.  Sometimes, when we are in the midst of the struggle,  we who feel put upon to give much, have to remember to give a little more and whine a little less.  It pays off in the end.

The 11 Forgotten Laws of Attraction are pretty much the Secret without magic


Saturday, June 9, 2012

June Doom

It's the dog days of doom. You get the feeling that everyone is just a little bored with the current end of the world. They are waiting for some new and more exciting catastrophe.

In the mean time, you should still fear the world ending super volcano that will blot out the sun with ash clouds and suffocate all life with poisonous gases.

In the wake of the coming economic collapse of Europe, some so called scientists have published a "theory" that we are once again at the tipping point and that there are way too may people and that we all need to become frozen communists who use no energy because they are dead--in order to save the earth.

And finally, the fact that the FBI is going to turn off the internet for thousands of infected computers on 9 July 2012 ushers in dire warnings of a cyber apocalypse that threatens to shut down the internet. The cyber disaster could come from many quarters. The first is that your brain will explode from too many people using the world "cyber". Cyber toilet paper. Cyber ketchup. Cyber cyber. Cyber Doom!!!

The second source of the coming cyber apocalypse will come when all the bot-nets, viruses and malware gangs up and destroys the entire internet.

The third source of the end of the cyber world will be a solar flare that wipes out electronic infrastructure. No power AND no computers.

The fourth and final blow comes from those loving and compassionate folks from the middle east who honestly believe that God will reward them for blowing up the earth as long as some unbelievers and infidels are killed in the process.





 Doomsday Gift Shop

Shop like there is no tomorrow at the  Armageddon Gift Shop on the Apocalypse level of the mall.

DoomCember 2012

Dumb Cember 2012?

Done Cinder 2012?


Doomsday For Dummies 2012

How to Prepare for Doomsday

How to Be a Doomsday Prepper

How to Apologize for Doomsday

 How to Calculate Doomsday

How to Celebrate 2012 Doomsday Leap Year

How to Experience NerdPocalypse

How to Wear Your Invisible Mystic Mayan Power Cloak

How to Have Quiet DoomsDay and a Silent Apocalypse



 I'm Sorry, I thought it was Doomsday



Doomsday For Sale



















Doom Art:  Inspirted By the End of the World