Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tim Tebow is Terrible

I finally watched Tim Tebow. I was pulling for him because he seemed the under dog and a bunch of God hating commies were against him.

But now that I have watched Tim Tebow play quarterback myself, in my very own personal opinion, Tim Tebow does not glorify God by the way he plays quarterback. He appears to have no discernible talent for the position. Tebow is very, very right to fall on his knees and thank God that he has managed to make people overlook how truly awful he is at being a quarterback. Now take the money and run Tim Tebow. I was not all that embarrassed by your bringing up the good Lord every five minutes. Though I am not very religious or even all that spiritual, it is not hard to admire a consistent individual who is. Your faith does not embarrass me. Your play does. You stink. And it is not God's fault so don't bring him on this. Michael Vick learned to throw a football but he had to go to prison to do it. Are you ready for some football Tim Tebow? What would you sacrifice to be good? The experts say no matter what you do you can't be good. Sounds like something Tebow should pray on. And some practice throwing the football wouldn't hurt either.


43% Of Americans are Idiots?

There is a story out that 43% of Americans think that God Almighty, the Creator of the Universe is helping some Nimrod named Tim Tebow win football games. There are children being starved and beaten planet wide and God has time for this? Only an insane God would waste His time in this way.

But wait, there's more.

In a national, political beauty contest, Obama got 43% in a hypothetical election against Ron Paul. My God, at least 4 in 10 Americans are idiots!

But wait there's less.

Even dumber than an Obama voter are the 37% of the hypothetical poll who would have voted for Ron Paul. Ron Paul's newsletters wherein he demonstrates hatred for blacks, Jews and gays disqualifies him utterly and immediately.

Unless you think Greece and the Soviet Union are models of good government, voting for Obama is an act of shear stupidity in my book.


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