Names for the first full moon in May:
Flower Moon,Corn Planting Moon,Milk Moon,Bright Moon,Dragon Moon,
Panther Moon,Hare Moon,Grass Moon,When the Leaves Are Green,Moon to Plant,
Budding Moon,Frog Moon,Waiting Moon,Mulberry Moon,Ninth Moon,
Idle Moon,Big Leaf Moon,Blossom Moon,Strawberry Moon,Merry Moon,Joy Moon
The world is in bloom for the Flower Moon
Wolf Moon
Snow Moon
Worm Moon
Pink Moon
Flower Moon
Strawberry Moon
Buck Moon
Sturgeon Moon
Corn Moon
Harvest Moon
Beaver Moon
Cold Moon
090909: Full Moon Eclipse Vision
By poetryman69At dusk the sun fled out over a azure sky
and the waters of the bay crept in and slept the night through
and the moon rose
At sunset
A diffuse sky the color of orange sherbet on blue ice cream
Valley of the Moon



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