Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Obama Will Necessarily Skyrocket Energy prices
GOP plan is to fully exploit our domestic energy resources. This will improve just about every economic indicator from balance payments and the national debt to the unemployment rate.
Obama's energy plan it to make the price of all energy "necessarily skyrocket." This will have benefits of destroying the American economy and giving western style capitalism a swift kick in the pants. Another benefit is that China, which would not have Cap and Trade, would be come the world's sole remaining super power.
Ask Obama
1) In a 2008 interview, Barack Hussein Obama, while running for president, presented an economic and energy program plan which he called "Necessarily Skyrocket." The interview can be found on YouTube. Obama should be asked to explain the impact his "Necessarily Skyrocket" plan will have on the economy and on energy prices. Also, since "Necessarily Skyrocket" is an Obama campaign promise, and Obama always keeps his promises, Obama should be asked when he will honor this one.
2) Obama has made a campaign promise to implement Cap and Trade. He should be asked when during his next term in office he plans to fulfill this promise.
3) Obama has promised to implement carbon trading markets. Since Obama always honors his promises, he should be asked when he will keep this one?
4) Was it fair to allow hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to stay in the United States when millions of people wait patiently in line, applying for legal entry in the right way?
5) Given that the unemployment rate is over 6%, and that the foreign criminals that Obama refuses to deport can no longer do illegal sub-minimum wage jobs, whose jobs will Obama take away to give to the illegal aliens he refuses to deport? Clearly Obama can't put them on welfare.
6) Any illegal alien who took a job from a legal American in the United States had to break at least three laws to do so. Why are they being rewarded for breaking so many laws? Legal Americans are punished for breaking laws. Why are illegals rewarded for breaking laws?
7) Who is Barry Soetoro?
8) What is a Choom Gang?
9) What does dog taste like?
10) Why won't you release your academic records?
You need to ask these questions since most of the news media is too busy feeling a tingle every time Obama reads from a teleprompter to ask them.
Necessarily Skyrocket
Obama's Jobs Program Plan
Obama's $4 trillion Jobs Policy
13 Reasons Why Obama Should be Re-Elected
Will North Korea Vote for Obama?
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Barack Hussein Obama Will Destroy Your Car
It is a virtual certainty that Barack Hussein Obama will destroy the vehicles of all Americans if he is re-elected. Obama believes that Global Warming and Climate Change are harming the planet and all the people on it. Unless he was lying about that belief, he must do something. Obama has already admitted that Cap and Trade and carbon trading markets will make the price of energy skyrocket. During his current election bid, Obama has denied that he wants the price of gasoline in particular and energy in general to rise dramatically. This is a bald face lie, but one that he may be held to it if he wins re-election. So what's a communist to do if a direct assault on capitalism is out of the question? Due to the fragility of the economy Obama may have trouble with the magic tricks democrats and progressives usually use. Taxes, fees, surcharges, penalties, levees, and licenses may be a hard sell if the Obama unemployment rates are still high. But all is not lost, their are still couple of backdoor ways for Barack Hussein Obama to destroy America and "save the earth." The first is for Obama to use the Environmental Protection Agency as a Marxist tool of oppression to command the US economy to shut down. The shut down would be for crimes against humanity and the state. After all capitalist pollution is hell on earth while communist pollution, such as is produced by Red China is all baby's breath and roses. Well, that wouldn't actually work because no one would actually follow that particular democrat plan to destroy America. But wait, there is at least one more. And it's so sneaky, it might actually work. Have everyone fill up their cars with gas. Say what? Well, first you have to mandate the gasoline be "fortified" with more corn based ethanol. From 15% to 25% should do it. This will destroy every combustion engine in American, precipitate a world wide corn shortage, and cause the price of everything in the world--not just America--to necessarily skyrocket. Just as Obama planned all along. There will be worldwide food shortages and food riots and everyone in America will have to buy new, government approved cars. Ain't Obama brand communism swell!
Follow the fictional exploits of President Barry Soetoro, aka Hussein the unbeliever, as he loots the United States of America and gives the wealth to terrorists and third world communist dictators. How to Double Unemployment by 2012 The Trojan Manchurian The Manchurian Trojan
Friday, August 24, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Obama Will Double Black Unemployment By 2016
Obama Gave Black Jobs to Foreign Criminals
The unemployment rate for blacks is 14.4%
For black youth the unemployment rate is over 20%.
What was Obama's response?
Obama refused to deport hundred of thousands of foreign criminals.
Obama has furthermore allowed 1.7 million children of illegal aliens to stay and work in the US.
In other words, in order to buy votes in November, Obama has given the jobs that black people would have gotten to people who have entered the country illegally and to the children of people who broke the law to steal the jobs of black people.
But wait, there's more.
I can virtually guarantee that the unemployment rate among blacks will increase if Obama is reelected. There reason I can all but guarantee that more blacks will be out of work if Obama is re-elected is because of a campaign promise Obama made in 2008.
Obama has promised to make energy prices "necessarily skyrocket" via Cap and Trade or carbon trading markets. If you visit the link above you will see that Obama will make the price of energy increase in his next term. This will make the price of everything increase. If the price of everything increases, employers will fire some existing employees and they will certainly not hire new ones.
There are many reasons why you should believe that Obama will make energy prices "necessarily skyrocket" in his next term. One reason is that the Europeans are implementing Cap and Trade and carbon trading markets. Obama has made no secret of his admiration for Euro-Socialism. He does not want to be the odd man out.
Another reason why you can be sure that Obama will implement a plan that will make gas prices and the price of all energy go sky high is that Obama really believes that Global Warming and Climate Change exist and he believes that the United States is mostly at fault. The consequences of those beliefs are that Obama will take steps to reduce the amount of energy Americans use. Every kilowatt Obama forces us not to use is a job lost. Rest assured that blacks will suffer most.
Why hasn't Obama raised up the price of energy already? Actually he has. The Obama administration has made it very difficult for domestic energy suppliers to increase the supply and lower the price of energy. This means that the price of energy is already higher than it would be if Obama were not president. What will change if Obama is re-elected is he will no longer have to go slow and pretend that he doesn't like high energy prices. He can come out of the closet and put taxes, surcharges, fees and penalties on all forms of energy everywhere. When Obama knows he will never face the voters again, he will be free to "necessarily skyrocket" the price of gasoline, oil, coal and every other form of energy American consumers and businesses use.
For black people considering a vote for Obama here is another thought. Because Obama knows you will vote for him no matter what, he felt free to ignore you. That is why despite the alarming rate of unemployment in the black community he gave your job to foreign criminals. The next election will be decided by foreign criminals and those who support illegal aliens. So Obama buys their votes with your job.
If Obama is reelected, then will he pay attention to his black constituency? Obama paid no real attention to black people when he was certain of their votes, do you really think he will pay more attention when he does not need their votes at all? If Obama is re-elected he will never face the voters again because he will be term limited.
Obama Can't Find Employment For You But I Can
How to Steal the Votes of Black People
Friday, August 17, 2012
It's Always About Race, It's Never About Ideas
One of the things that fervent Obama supporters make clear: If you want 4 more years of race politics you should vote for Obama. If you want to talk about something other than race, you should probably vote for someone else. So much for the first post racial president. Has anyone else noticed that the most racist things that are being said in the main stream media concerning this election are all said by Obama supporters? No wonder they could predict this would be the most racist election in history. If it weren't they would make it so.
There is one good thing that comes out of the racist election tactics of the left. They know they are wrong when it comes to ideas. Would you keep pulling things down to the lowest level of racist politics if you thought your ideas were superior? After all, the candidate of the left has the bully pulpit of the presidency, the tingle feeling main stream media, all the college campuses and every school in America on his side. Why are his supporters afraid to discuss ideas? The only difference between card carrying communists and democrats is that card carrying communists are honest about what they believe.
Follow the fictional exploits of President Barry Soetoro, aka Hussein the unbeliever, as he loots the United States of America and gives the wealth to terrorists and third world communist dictators. The Trojan Manchurian The Manchurian Trojan
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Obama Gave Black Jobs to Foreign Criminals
The unemployment rate for blacks is 14.4% For black youth the unemployment rate is over 20%. What was Obama's response? Obama refused to deport hundred of thousands of foreign criminals. Obama has furthermore allowed 1.7 million children of illegal aliens to stay and work in the US. In other words, in order to buy votes in November, Obama has given the jobs that black people would have gotten to people who have entered the country illegally and to the children of people who broke the law the steal the jobs of black people. But wait, there's more. I can virtually guarantee that the unemployment rate among blacks will increase if Obama is reelected. There reason I can all but guarantee that more blacks will be out of work if Obama is re-elected is because of a campaign promise Obama made in 2008. Obama has promised to make energy prices "necessarily skyrocket" via Cap and Trade or carbon trading markets. If you visit the link above you will see that Obama will make the price of energy increase in his next term. This will make the price of everything increase. If the price of everything increases, employers will fire some existing employees and they will certainly not hire new ones. There are many reasons why you should believe that Obama will make energy prices "necessarily skyrocket" in his next term. One reason is that the Europeans are implementing Cap and Trade and carbon trading markets. Obama has made no secret of his admiration for Euro-Socialism. He does not want to be the odd man out. Another reason why you can be sure that Obama will implement a plan that will make gas prices and the price of all energy go sky high is that Obama really believes that Global Warming and Climate Change exist and he believes that the United States is mostly at fault. The consequences of that belief is that Obama will take steps to reduce the amount of energy Americans use. Every kilowatt Obama forces us not to use is a job lost. Rest assured that blacks will suffer most. Why hasn't Obama raised up the price of energy already? Actually he has. The Obama administration has made it very difficult for domestic energy suppliers to increase the supply and lower the price of energy. This means that the price of energy is already higher than it would be if Obama were not president. What will change if Obama is re-elected is he will no longer have to pretend that he doesn't like high energy prices. He can come out of the closet and put taxes, surcharges, fees and penalties on all forms of energy everywhere. When Obama knows he will never face the voters again, he will be free to "necessarily skyrocket" the price of gasoline, oil, coal and every other form of energy American consumers and businesses use. For black people considering a vote for Obama here is another thought. Because Obama knows you will vote for him no matter what, he felt free to ignore you. That is why despite the alarming rate of unemployment in the black community he gave your job to foreign criminals. The next election will be decided by foreign criminals and those who support illegal aliens. So Obama buys their votes with your job. If Obama is reelected, then will he pay attention to his black constituency? Obama paid no real attention to black people when he was certain of their votes, do you really think he will pay more attention when he does not need their votes at all? If Obama is re-elected he will never face the voters again because he will be term limited.
Obama Can't Find Employment For You But I Can
How t Steal the Votes of Black People
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Fire Rainbows. Rainbow Fire
Deviant Rainbows and Rainbow Whirligigs
Deviant Rainbows. Planet Rainbow. Rainbow Tops. Rainbow Planets. Rainbow Deviants
SteamPunk Rainbow Gyros. Gyroscopic Rainbows
Elliptical Rainbow Spiral Gyroscope. rainbow fractal digital cyber art,electronic rainbows,cyber rainbows,digital rainbows
Featured Lenses
In honor of the end of everything I have developed a special calendar design. Naturally the calendar does not cover all of the days in December since the ca...
Doomsday Gift Shop
For some Death is a hobby. For others death is a life style. Take a close look at those goths, aren't they trying to mimic someone idea of the Greatful Dead...
Doomed Art: Inspired By End of the World
It has been prognositicated by some folks that the world will end on a date certain. People keep predicting the end of the world
Elliptical Spiral Rainbow Gyros
Of Plumed Serpents and Feathered Suns
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Thursday, August 9, 2012
The Questions Obama Fears Most
Ask Obama
1) In a 2008 interview, Barack Hussein Obama, while running for president, presented an economic and energy program plan which he called "Necessarily Skyrocket." The interview can be found on YouTube. Obama should be asked to explain the impact his "Necessarily Skyrocket" plan will have on the economy and on energy prices. Also, since "Necessarily Skyrocket" is an Obama campaign promise, and Obama always keeps his promises, Obama should be asked when he will honor this one.
2) Obama has made a campaign promise to implement Cap and Trade. He should be asked when during his next term in office he plans to fulfill this promise.
3) Obama has promised to implement carbon trading markets. Since Obama always honors his promises, he should be asked when he will keep this one.
4) Was it fair to allow hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to stay in the United States when millions of people wait patiently in line, applying for legal entry in the right way.
5) Given that the unemployment rate is over 8%, and that the foreign criminals that Obama refuses to deport can no longer do illegal sub-minimum wage jobs, whose jobs will Obama take away to give to the illegal aliens he refuses to deport? Clearly Obama can't put them on welfare.
6) Any illegal alien who took a job from a legal American in the United States had to break at least three laws to do so. Why are they being rewarded for breaking so many laws? Legal Americans are punished for breaking laws. Why are illegals rewarded for breaking laws?
7) Who is Barry Soetoro?
8) What is a Choom Gang?
9) What does dog taste like?
10) Why won't you release your academic records?
You need to ask these questions since most of the news media is too busy feeling a tingle every time Obama reads from a teleprompter to ask them.
Obama's $4 trillion Jobs Policy
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Online Tutoring in Chinese, Learn Mandarin. zhong guo - ä¸å›½ zhong wen (han yu) - ä¸æ–‡ (汉è¯)
Learn Chinese from a native who is fluent in Chinese and English. Jiang Qian has taught English to Chinese students and Chinese to English students.
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Online Tutoring in Chinese, Learn Mandarin. zhong guo - ä¸å›½ zhong wen (han yu) - ä¸æ–‡ (汉è¯)
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
How to Steal Billions and Billions
How to Steal A Trillion Dollars. How to Steal an Election
How to Steal a Trillion Dollars
Eric Holder and Barack Hussein Obama have left the southern border wide open and they don't want people to have to show ID to vote. Also, they want to make it practically illegal to ask a person where he was born or where he legally resides.
You know, it's almost like Obama and Holder want the most massive voter fraud this nation or any other has ever seen. It's almost like they want the next US election to be decided entirely by foreign criminals and illegal aliens.
In case anyone misses the connection, the budget for the US federal government is on the order of $4 trillion. If you could control where a portion of that goes, you could control a trillion dollars.
How to Steal One Trillion. How to Steal an Election
13 Reasons Why Obama Should Be Re-Elected
Obama's October Surprise
Some folks are alarmed that the Obama administration appears to be closing down border
Part of the October election surprise that Obama was sure to spring on us has come early.
Barrack Hussein Obama appears to be opening up the flood gates so that nation will be
swamped by foreign criminals and illegal aliens, all of whom will vote for president Hussein.
In fact, Obama just refused to deport almost a million foreign criminals. He made sure they
had broken at least three US laws. If they had not broken at least three laws they were immediately deported. The three laws were entering the US illegally, obtaining a job illegally, failure to pay taxes and just be sure they broke at least three laws he made sure that they had filed false documents such as employment papers with stolen social security numbers.
These criminals Obama deliberately let into to the US to steal the jobs of law abiding citizens have, in my opinion, been bribed to vote illegally for Obama and would probably be only too happy to do so. You might say: The foreign criminals who Obama encouraged to break the law would surely be caught if they tried to vote illegally. Caught by whom? Caught how? In Obama's America, it is against the law to ask an illegal alien where he was born and you can't ask anyone for their ID when they vote. There is no way to catch Obama's partners in crime voting for him illegally.
No democrat wants voter IDs checked and with good reason. In my view, the democrats plan to use the votes of criminal foreigners to sweep into power in the fall elections. The president and all elected democrats will be the first party in history to win an election entirely due to the votes of people who came into the country illegally and voted illegally.
13 Reasons Why Obama Should be Re-Elected
I wonder if China has figured out that they could easily select the next president of the United States and a good portion of congress....
In fact, if they were willing to send enough people, Iran or North Korea could pick the next president and partially populate the Senate and the House.
Erich Holder and Barack Hussein Obama by insisting that there be no voter identification have created a situation wherein any foreign power, even Al Qaeda could pick the next president. All they have to do is send enough people through the porous border before election day, get in line early and claim to be voters. In order for Obama's and Holder's democrat treason to work, they would need to somehow either give the voter rolls to foreign criminals or arrange for foreign criminals to steal them. After all, even though you don't have to prove who you are in Obama's treasonous political regime, you do have to claim to be somebody.
The logistics of sending millions of folks to steal the election of the world's foremost economic and military power would be daunting. Perhaps it would be easier to bribe the 20 million or so illegal aliens that are are already here? But gosh, you might have to print billions of dollars of somebody else's currency to do that. And that would be mean thing to do. Heck, it might undermine their economy. But surely foreign criminals and illegal aliens, expert as they are on American currency would realize they are being bribed with counterfeit money immediately! Yeah, right.
Gosh and the logistics are even more daunting when you realize that in such a porous election system you could bribe the same people to go to many different election stations and claim to be several different people. Gosh, no one would possibly think to do that just to get a hold of the $6 trillion federal budget and billions of dollars in military hardware. It would just be too hard and not worth it all.
Have you heard the democrat counter argument to this vulnerability? It goes like this: Everyone knows that Al Qaeda, Iran and North Korea only have the best interests of the United States at heart and would never do mean things to us. After all, given how cheap easy it would be take us over through voter fraud facilitated through Obama, Holder and the democrat party, surely any adversary of the US would rather fight costly and perhaps even bloody wars with us instead of merely voting us out of power...
Besides Al Qaeda, Iran and North Korea respect and revere the American election process. They fall on their knees and worship at the mere thought of an American election. For them an American election is sanctified and inviolate. They would would never, never tamper with or corrupt something that they love more than their own lives.
Are you convinced yet?
Some might say that you don't need illegal foreigners to rig the next election. Garden variety Obama supporters can easily be bribed to vote early and often for Obama. Since no one can ask for their IDs they can go to every polling place in the cities where they live and claim to be anyone on the voter rolls. After all, these are people who thought Obama had a pile of cash called a stash that he could hand out to everyone or anyone he wished. These were people who thought that they were going to get free houses or free apartments or free food, or free health care if only Obama got elected. They thought Obama would give them a job. These useful idiots who regard government as a cross between Santa Claus and the tooth fairy coluld easily be bribed to vote many times for the "greater good." And if they were bribed with funny money they would neither know nor care.
It appears that Obama wishes to bring Chicago style politics to the nation at large. In Chicago, even the dead sit up and applaud the "fairness" of the Chicago elections. Perhaps Obama wants the dead to vote for him too.
Obama's Energy and Economic Policies, Programs and Plans